Title: Ending the Stigma of Male Domestic Violence Victims: Judgement Measures & Interviews Journal: Journal of Concurrent […]
Title: A comparison of judgements of image-based and physical sexual abuse: A pilot study Journal: Journal of […]
Title: The General Mattering Scale: Mattering Versus Self-Esteem in Predicting Distress and Psychosocial Adjustment Among Early Adolescents […]
Title: Peter Ferentzy (1959-2023) Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Nigel Turner File: JGI-Obituary_Proof DOI: 10.4309/JIYR3328
Title: Gambling During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Risks and Change Among Finnish Gamblers Journal: Journal of […]
Title: Does the System Matter? Surplus Directed to Society in Monopolistic and License-Based Gambling Provision Journal: Journal […]
Title: The Impact of Problem Gambling on Families and Relationship Partners: A Scoping Literature Review Journal: Journal […]
Title: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Screen Time: Findings From a Cross-Sectional Observational Study Among College Students […]
Title: The geography of gambling: A socio-spatial analysis of gambling machine location and area-level socio-economic status Journal: […]
Title: Erroneous Beliefs Verbalized While Playing Online Poker Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Priscilla Brochu, Isabelle […]