The Interdisciplinary Journal of Student Success -Volume 2
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Student Success -Volume 2

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Student Success -Volume 2

Title: Masthead
File: Masthead_V2_2023
Title: Conference Proceedings of Back to Our Future: Rethinking College-Level Education in the “New Normal”
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: N/A
Pages: 1-4
Keywords Conference, Proceedings, College, Literacy
Authors: Maria Lucia Di Placito & Alyson R. Renaldo
File: Di Placito & Renaldo
Title: “Where do I park my DeLorean? A Workshop to Establish an Informed and Dignified Work Experience for New Part-Time and Partial-Load Faculty”
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: This paper identifies some of the problems stemming from current onboarding practices of contract faculty within many Ontario community colleges. It identifies how a lack of proper onboarding impacts new faculty. It further considers how limited onboarding informs the comprehensive relationship between colleges and contract faculty. This offering stresses the importance of managing long-term expectations, of providing clear information and fostering a sense of belonging for contract faculty. The paper begins by highlighting the existing gaps in onboarding processes, particularly for part-time (PT) and partial- load (PL) instructors. It emphasizes the disconnect between institutional expectations and the information provided to new hires, leading to misunderstandings and potential resentment. The lack of clarity on career advancement prospects further compounds challenges faced by contract faculty members. The authors argue that an effective onboarding process should go beyond simply providing access to virtual learning management systems and human resources information. It should include comprehensive support and guidance tailored to the specific needs of PT and PL faculty. The paper proposes the development of an onboarding manual based upon solutions generated from a workshop that identifies and addresses the challenges faced by new contract faculty.
Pages: 5-12
Keywords: Onboarding Practices, Contract Faculty, College, Support
Authors: Alyson R. Renaldo, Maria Lucia Di Placito
File: Renaldo & Di Placito
Title: Is Connectivism Viable?
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: Connectivism was proposed decades ago as a learning theory tailored to the digital age, but despite the now ubiquitous use of computers and the Internet in education and the move to online learning during the pandemic, it remains unclear how connectivism might be applied in the classroom. It is time to ask whether connectivism is viable and the presentation was organized around this question. This paper, structured to mirror the presentation, first provides an overview of the theory (section 1). Its grounding claims are that knowledge is distributed across networks, meaning that learning is increasing network connectivity, and that access to networks is more important than knowing. The paper then (section 2) describes the initial reactions to the theory, which were generally either harsh rejection or advocacy with recognition that it needs further work. This is followed by a discussion of its current standing. There remains little to no research supporting the theory, long-time advocates have begun distancing themselves from it, and it is widely misunderstood by teachers and educational theorists. Highlights from the session’s general discussion (section 3) are then given. There seemed consensus that although the connectivist epistemology is for various reasons incorrect, the learning theory and pedagogy provide insights into how learning should be approached in the digital age. Basically, the epistemology should go, but the pedagogy should stay. The paper closes (section 4) by suggesting that research based on the insights of connectivism minus its epistemology may be fruitful.
Pages: 13-25
Keywords: Connectivism, Learning Theory, Epistemology, Educational, Technology
Author: Adam Langridge
File: Langridge
Title: Indigenizing the English Classroom
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: Given significantly increased awareness around the need to begin to incorporate Indigenous Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing into post-secondary pedagogy, this presentation seeks to build on the foundational approaches to unsettling the classroom and examine ways in which classrooms have been and could be “indigenized.” Using Gaudry and Lorenz’s (2018) framework on indigenizing as a three-stage process (“Indigenization as Inclusion, Reconciliation, and Decolonization” in AlterNative) and built around research on Indigenous pedagogies and experiential knowledge, this paper will also include examples of readings and in-class activities appropriate for writing and communications classrooms. A particular focus will be on differentiating indigenization from reconciliation, with a reminder of the difficulties of achieving true decolonization within current post-secondary institutions.
Pages: 26-37
Keywords: Indigenous Ways of Being/Knowing/Doing, Indigenization, Classroom, Communication.
Author: David D. Miller
File: Miller
Title: Taking a Restorative Approach toward Academic Integrity for L2 Writers
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: Plagiarism issues related to L2 writers may require a different approach, as some of these learners experience academic integrity through a different lens due to language, culture, or previous educational background. We identified the most common L2 writers’ challenges in academic writing, investigated current opinions in pedagogics, and discussed whether plagiarism and patch-writing in L2 writers’ academic papers can be equaled to cheating behaviors and whether restorative practices have proven to be more effective in addressing the issue in Canadian post-secondary institutions. Finally, we analyzed statistical information collected by the Language Help Centre at Georgian College, based on faculty referrals, and provided insights related to the process of applying a restorative approach, as well as its outcomes for students. While there is no unique solution to the challenge of academic misconduct, we have established that taking a restorative approach to plagiarism in L2 writers’ academic papers is helping students become active participants in the process and offers an opportunity for them to discourse about academic integrity and ways to improve their writing.
Pages: 38-47
Keywords: Academic Integrity, Canadian Post-secondary Institutions, Restorative Approach, Academic Honesty Training Sessions, L2 Writers, Plagiarism, Paraphrasing.
Author: Hanna Shrolyk & Corinne Whitney
File: Shrolyk & Whitney
Title: Bimodal Class Delivery and Women’s Success in Academia
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: This study examines the growing potential of bimodal class delivery, specifically the integration of flexible virtual learning to support women’s success in postsecondary settings. By addressing the multifaceted gender norms and expectations which often impact the professional journeys of women, universities can seek to create an inclusive learning environment. Bimodal class delivery mitigates barriers, facilitates self-regulation, and enhances women’s success by offering academic autonomy and accessibility. Integrating virtual learning platforms, hardware tools, and educational technologies empowers women to actively engage in their education, transcending geographical limitations, and expand their access to knowledge. Moreover, bimodal class delivery presents a competitive advantage by leveraging women’s affinity for virtual learning and addressing gender disparities in traditional educational settings. Embracing bimodal class delivery in academia fosters an environment that promotes women’s advancement, cultivates their talents, and contributes to their overall success.
Pages: 48-59
Keywords: Bimodal Class Delivery, Virtual Learning, Flexible Learning, Gender Disparities, Gender Equality.
Author: Katie Gies
File: Giles
Title: Making Meaning and Finding Purpose: What Research into Post Traumatic Growth Can Teach Us as Educators in a Post-Pandemic World
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: The pandemic presented many opportunities for us to deepen our resiliency and strengthen our resolve. As faculty we faced unique challenges, and the past few years left many of us asking questions about ourselves, and our roles as educators. Drawing on concepts of trauma and research into post- traumatic growth, this paper examines how the latter can help us in navigating our roles as educators in a post-pandemic world. Specifically, I offer some ideas and guided questions in order for us to consider our sense of meaning and purpose, and how we might intentionally engage with these concepts to inform our pedagogy.
Pages: 60-68
Keywords: Trauma, Post-traumatic Growth, COVID-19, Post-pandemic Education.
Author: Kathryn Mettler
Files: Mettler
Title: Coherence and Cohesion in an ESL Academic Writing Environment: Rethinking the Use of Translation and FOMT in Language Teaching
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: Even though the use of Free Online Machine Translation (FOMT) tools is commonly discouraged in L2 classrooms by educators, the persistence of English as a Second Language (ESL) students in utilizing the tools has inspired many scholars to investigate whether it is helpful to develop effective strategies that transform FOMT into a teaching/learning tool in the ESL classroom. Specifically, scholars have examined how FOMT can impact the writing quality of ESL students’ compositions in terms of coherence and cohesion. In line with the same research interests, this project examined ESL students’ typical coherence/cohesion challenges in academic writing at an Ontario post-secondary institution offering courses in French. The study employed a mixed-methods research design and collected survey data, writing samples, and screen recordings from 6 high-intermediate-level ESL students. Survey data was also collected from twenty-three ESL instructors about ESL students’ tool use. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the students and three instructors who evaluated the writing samples. Based on the survey results, all the students demonstrated a positive attitude toward FOMT tools, while the instructors reported divided opinions about such tools for ESL writing purposes. The results showed that instructions and FOMT can assist students with improving their text quality in terms of coherence and cohesion.
Pages: 69-79
Keywords: Coherence, Cohesion, Translation, Academic Writing.
Author: Solmaz Ryan
Files: Ryan
Title: Exploring the Factors that Contribute to the Immigrant NNESTs’ Self-Image in the TESOL Context of Canada
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: The rationale for exploring this research area is that there is limited information available on how TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) teacher education programs in Canada address the needs of immigrant teachers. To further contribute to the Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers NNESTs discussion, it is essential to explore how immigrant NNESTs’ self- perceptions, especially with respect to their ascribed or perceived non-nativity, impact their teaching practice and professional status within TESOL in Canada. The goal of this paper is to explore insight from selected contemporary, relevant, and empirical literature on INNESTs’ perceptions within the TESOL context of Canada to draw implications for developing NNESTs’ more positive self- perceptions via a community of practice that empowers them to gain self- advocacy, agency, and legitimacy. The exploration is driven by the intriguing question, what are the factors that contribute to the immigrant NNESTs’ self- perceptions in the TESOL context of Canada?
Pages: 80-92
Keywords: Self-image, Immigrant NNESTs, TESOL Canada.
Author: Tara Al-Hadithy
Files: Al-Hadithy
Title: Applying AI Efforts to Student Assessments: That is, Alternative Innovations!
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, particularly natural language processing tools (NLPTs), such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT©, has gained momentum in North American workplaces due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While NLPTs are lauded for their ability to assist users in thinking, research, and writing, their application in post-secondary institutions, especially among students, poses challenges. Ambiguities in academic integrity policies make it difficult for instructors to assess the authenticity of student work. To effectively coexist with the ethical principles of higher education, NLPTs require careful consideration. This paper explores the implications of NLPTs in teaching and learning, reimagines the role of educators, and presents two sample assessments promoting collaboration, authenticity, and academic integrity. By re- evaluating pedagogical norms and maintaining a humanistic perspective, higher education can embrace AI while upholding its core values.
Pages: 93-108
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Higher Education, Assessment.
Authors: Maria Lucia Di Placito & Erik Mortensen
Files: Di Placito & Mortensen
Title: Opening Up Education: Engaging with Open Education and Open Education Resources
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Abstract: Open education and the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) have almost become buzz words in the educational sector. OER have been cited to improve equality in education by improving access and decreasing costs, and therefore, having an improved economic redistribution. The current research shows many gaps in this hoped for result. So, how can we as educators improve the access, development, utilization, and sharing of OER more effectively? This interactive workshop will begin with a brief review of the current literature on the issues related to the use and development of OER. It will explore the use of Creative Commons Licenses in the development of OER to assist in increasing access to these resources as well as the “5 Rs” of OER (reuse, revise, remix, retain, and redistribute). Using hands on exercises, participants will learn strategies to find and curate OER to illustrate how they may be used in the classroom to engage students as open knowledge creators. The workshop will model the use of the open strategy by delivering the workshop, in part, using a Pressbook (Srivastava, 2021) and interactive H5p activities (Srivastava, 2023), which were developed as part of a capstone project for the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Program for Open Scholarship and Education (POSE).
Pages: 109-117
Keywords: Open Education, Open Education Resources, Creative Commons License, Global North, Global South.
Authors: Jessica B. Srivastava
Files: Srivastava