Title: Masthead File: Masthead_V6I1 Title:  Mattering, Stress, and Burnout in Feelings of Distress, Defeat, and Entrapment Among Chinese […]
Title: Student Judgements of AI-generated and human- generated educational content [Protocol] Journal: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Student Success […]
Title: The phenomenon of the three monkeys of Turkish society: A systematic review of gambling addiction Journal: […]
Title: Problem Gambling Counseling and Treatment Approaches, by Jason Landon, Simone Rodda, and Masood Zangeneh, Canada, CDS […]
Title: Exploring Student Attitudes to Suicide in the Community and in Prison Journal: Journal of Concurrent Disorders […]
Title: Gender Differences in Gambling-Related Harms and Gambling-Motivated Crime Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Keywords: Gambling, Gender, […]
Title: Implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Higher Education: A Narrative Literature Review Journal: The Interdisciplinary Journal of […]
Title: Transformation of relationships between time perspective and life-sense orientations in people with gambling disorder in a […]
Title: More than loot boxes: the role of video game streams and gambling-like elements in the gaming-gambling […]
Title: Interpersonal Features Associated with Feelings of Not Mattering Assessed With The Anti-Mattering Scale: An Analysis of […]