Interpersonal Features Associated with Feelings of Not Mattering Assessed With The Anti-Mattering Scale: An Analysis of Interpersonal Closeness, Connection, and Conflict
Interpersonal Features Associated with Feelings of Not Mattering Assessed With The Anti-Mattering Scale: An Analysis of Interpersonal Closeness, Connection, and Conflict

Interpersonal Features Associated with Feelings of Not Mattering Assessed With The Anti-Mattering Scale: An Analysis of Interpersonal Closeness, Connection, and Conflict

Title: Interpersonal Features Associated with Feelings of Not Mattering Assessed With The Anti-Mattering Scale: An Analysis of Interpersonal Closeness, Connection, and Conflict
Journal: Journal of Concurrent Disorders
Keywords: Mattering, Relationships, Conflict, Stress, Compassion, Loneliness, Disconnection.
Authors: Taryn Nepon & Gordon L. Flett
File: Nepon & Flett