Title: The Development and Validation of the Successful Psychopathy Scale [Protocol] Keywords: Psychopathy, Successful Psychopathy, Scale Development […]
Title: Examining Perceptions of Sextortion in the General Population Keywords: Sextortion; Image-Based Sexual Abuse; Revenge Pornography; Thematic […]
Title: The Effect of Self-Compassion on Job Burnout and Hours Worked in Employees’ Working from Home Keywords: […]
Title: Negative Emotional States, Satisfaction with Life, and Romantic Relationships in Young Adult Gamers and nonGamers: An […]
Title: Decolonizing Time in Post-Secondary Classrooms Keywords: Decolonizing, Post-secondary, Education, Indigenous, Aboriginal Authors: Laureen Blu Waters, Randy […]
Title: Masthead Volume: 3 Issue: 3 File: Masthead_V3I3_2021 Title: Cross validation of the Centre for Addiction and […]
Title: Table of Contents Volume: 3 Issue: 2 File: Title: Concurrent Disorders and Digital Challenges in Palestine […]
Title: Cross-validation of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Inventory of Gambling Situations (CAMH-IGS) Keywords: Cross-validation, […]
Title: The Anxiety Epidemic Among Children and Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Review, Conceptualization, and Recommendations for […]