Journal of Concurrent Disorders Volume Four Issue Two
Journal of Concurrent Disorders Volume Four Issue Two

Journal of Concurrent Disorders Volume Four Issue Two

Title: Masthead
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
File: Masthead_V4I2
Title: Study Protocol: Psychoeducation on Attachment and Narcissism as Treatment of Sex Addiction
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Abstract: This study protocol reports a research design to examine the effects of a psycho-educational programme about attachment and narcissism on sex addiction. Previous research highlighted the great impacts of anxious attachment and narcissism on sex addiction. Unlike therapeutic approaches, where a therapist intervenes the client, psychoeducation can influence clients’ symptoms more subtly related to their less resistance. Further, considering a strong association between sex addiction and narcissism, such an approach may be more conducive. Given high shame associated with sex addictions and clients existing in many countries, the programme is implemented online using recorded videos, delivered four times weekly. Findings from this study can inform utility of this original intervention for sex addiction.
Pages: 1-6
Keywords: Sex Addiction; Treatment; Psychoeducation; Attachment; Narcissism
Authors: Christine Rhodes & Yasuhiro Kotera
File: Study Protocol
Title: Wellbeing for Non-Academic University Staff During COVID-19: A Field Note from A Wellbeing Promotor’s Perspective
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Abstract: Although the negative impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of the university staff has been reported, the existing literature primarily focused on academic staff. The purpose of this field note is to offer insights about non- academic staff and report how we have responded to the wellbeing challenge. The role of ‘Wellbeing Promoter’ was established in our university, who encourages employee wellbeing by organising webinars, sharing information and regularly discussing colleagues’ wellbeing. Though empirical evidence was not collected, informal feedback from non-academic staff for those attempts was positive, indicating a need for further evaluation. The other universities can benefit from these wellbeing promotive practices that do not require great costs and time yet are effective to protect the staff wellbeing in this stressful time.
Pages: 7-11
Keywords: Non-academic; COVID-19; Wellbeing; Higher Education; Information Sharing; Webinar
Authors: Paula Augustus & Yasuhiro Kotera
File: YK Augustus_Kotera
Title: Is there a place for sensory aspects and alternative representations in non-normative sexual interest research? Reflections from a study into dacryphilia
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Abstract: Research into normative sexual interests (e.g., paraphilias, fetishes, and unusual sexual practices) mainly collect qualitative data because of the low occurrence of such behaviors. Moreover, the majority of studies using qualitative data have focused solely on sexual practices as they occur in ‘real-life’ and have neglected sensory aspects of sexual experiences, as well as alternative representations of sexual practices (e.g., screen media, literary texts, etc.). This is particularly relevant to non-normative sexual interests, as many of these may involve arousal from an ostensibly sensory activity. This paper first considers the subjects of four previously published studies examining feederism, eproctophilia, necrophilia, and zoophilia. It examines their methodological approaches in more detail, as a means of displaying how attention to sensory aspects and alternative representations may add further insight. We then examine some of our own data on dacryphilia (sexual arousal from crying) using data two previously published papers. These data are discussed in relation to the literature on sensory-based approaches to data analysis (e.g., visual methods) and other analytic techniques that may be suited to alternative representations of sexual practices as well as outlining four distinct types of crying data (visual crying, aural crying, written crying, screen crying). The data suggest that participants with dacryphilic interests orient towards sensory aspects and alternative representations. These sensory aspects of experience are worthy of further exploration and the paper highlights that there are contemporary data collection and analytic frameworks in which to do this (e.g., visual methods, interpretative phenomenological analysis).
Pages: 12- 26
Keywords: Non-normative sexual interests, Eproctophilia, Dacryphilia, Feederism, Necrophilia, Zoophilia, Paraphilia, Qualitative
Authors: Richard Greenhill &, Mark D. Griffiths
File: Greenhill_Griffiths_ Dacryphilia
Title: Filicide-Suicide by hanging involving an autistic child: A rare case report
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Abstract: Filicide-suicide is an area of growing interest in the field of forensic psychiatry. Using multiple media reports, the present report describes a case of filicide-suicide in Bangladesh in which a 55-year-old father killed his 14-year-old autistic son by hanging, and then hung himself. The main reason for the suicide appeared to be depression and stress as a result of severe financial problems. A case of filicide-suicide case involving an autistic child has never been reported in Bangladesh, and filicide-suicide by hanging is extremely rare.
Pages: 27-36
Keywords: Filicide-Suicide, Child Autism, Hanging, Bangladesh, Case Report
Authors: Naywaz Sharif Shubha, Siyam Hossain, & Mark D. Griffiths
File: Shubha_Hossain_Griffiths_-Filicide-Suicide
Title: Migrant workers, migrants, internally displaced persons, asylum seekers and refugees – The silent sufferers of the COVID-19 pandemic: A brief review of media reports
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Abstract: Like other vulnerable groups, the pandemic has severely and negatively impacted marginalized groups, including migrant laborers, documented and undocumented migrants, internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and asylum seekers. The present study briefly reviewed cases of attempted and completed suicide while also examining their causality among national and international migrant workers, migrants, IDPs, refugees, and asylum seekers during the ongoing pandemic. This study utilized retrospective extraction of suicide-related information from earlier published press reports. With regards to COVID-19- related suicides, this method has had widespread acceptability and has previously been extensively used in countries of South-East Asia for reporting suicides in academic journals. The authors located 26 relatively complete details of migrant worker suicides and suicide attempts from India and Singapore and 46 cases of migrant suicides from Malaysia with partially complete details. Lockdown-related health, job, and financial uncertainties coupled with pandemic-related emotional as well as mental stressors were some of the reported reasons for the alleged suicides and suicide attempts. Considering the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of mental health services becomes increasingly important. Governments should take the lead in safeguarding the financial, physical, and mental well-being of all its citizens with special emphasis on the most vulnerable populations and high-risk groups for the entire period of the pandemic, to avert any unneeded loss of life related to suicides.
Pages: 37-51
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic; Lockdown; Suicide; Migrant Workers; Migrants; Refugees; Asylum Seekers; Internally Displaced Persons; Financial Strife; Media Reports.
Authors: Nabeel Kashan Syed, Mohamed Ahmed Al-kasim, Saad Alqahtani, Abdul karim M Meraya, Mamoon H. Syed, Mohamed Hassan Elnaem, & Mark D. Griffiths
File: Syed-et-al
Title: Studying Mental Health in Schools: A Participatory Action Research (PAR) Approach in Public Mental Health
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Despite a rising prevalence of mental health difficulties in the young, existing prior to, but also exacerbated by the current COVID-19 pandemic, mental health needs in this population remain unmet even in economically wealthy countries. Increasingly, supportive school environments have been suggested as having a significant impact on young people’s mental health. The idea of health- promoting schools, initiated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), highlights the ongoing need for both health education via the curriculum but also a school environment that is conducive to students’ health and emotional well-being. Despite this promising public health measure, existing studies into mental health- related interventions delivered in schools have been found to have a small or no effect. One explanation for this is that previous studies did not sufficiently address or focus on the school environment, which may in itself pose barriers to acceptability and successful implementation of mental health interventions. This paper will highlight a novel methodological approach to public mental health research – Participatory Action Research (PAR). The PAR method is unique in enabling study participants to become co-researchers of their own experiences in a specific context. A growing body of educational PAR research suggests that this method can also generate collaborative and participative processes foundational to positive school culture and mental health outcomes. This paper will provide an overview of such outcomes, as well as outline methodological strengths and challenges common to the PAR approach in educational mental health settings.
Pages: 52-61
Keywords: Brief Commentary; Public Mental Health; School Culture; Mental Health Interventions; Young Populations; Participatory Action Research (PAR).
Authors: Greta Kaluzeviciute, Tricia Jessiman, Anne-Marie Burn, Tamsin Ford, Judi Kidger, Naomi Leonard, Mark Limmer, & Liam Spencer
File: Kaluzeviciute-et-al
Title: Analysing the Discursive Psychology Used Within Digital Media To Influence Public Opinions Concerning Female Child-Killers
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Abstract: Background: Discursive psychology is used to invoke emotion and social action within receivers, and widespread media is notorious for utilizing these linguistic features to negatively skew the public opinion of an individual or group. Objective: This study aims to investigate through discursive thematic analysis the ways in which digitised media articles utilise linguistic features and discursive devices to invoke emotion within readers, and in turn influence their opinions concerning female child-killers. Study Design: The data gathered for this piece of research were 9 digital newspaper articles published between 2017 and 2021 by any of the top 10 most-read titles according to YouGov (2021) and were sourced using Google Chrome. The key terms used to locate these articles were the names “Rachel Henry”, “Tracey Connelly” and “Louise Porton” followed by the names of the top 10 most-read titles (e.g., “Rachel Henry Daily Mail”). Analysis: The themes identified suggest a consistent aim within the media to negatively influence the public opinion of the offenders in question by using discursive devices and psychological categories to attack and invalidate these offenders and portray them as being evil, inhuman, delusional individuals who are inherently different from “normal” members of society. The findings produced within this research may have implications regarding the future of mainstream media reporting, as they suggest an excessive use of strategically influential linguistic features within digital newspapers to create extreme negative representations of women who offend, which may prove detrimental to their future access to, and experience of reformation and rehabilitation.
Pages: 62-87
Keywords: Digital Media; Media Representation; Child-killer; Women Who Kill; Female Offenders; Discourse Analysis
Authors: Kessia Harris, Joanna Adhikari & Louise Wallace
File:  Harris_Adhikari_Wallace_Final_2022