Volume One- Issue One
Volume One- Issue One

Volume One- Issue One

Title: Table of Contents
Volume: 1
Journal Issue:  1
File: TOC_JCD_Dec2018Download
Title: Editorial
Volume: 1
Journal Issue:  1
Abstract: Welcome
Pages: 1
Authors:  Masood Zangeneh
File: Editorial_JCD
Title:  The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Problem Behaviors Amongst Hong Kong Adolescents: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study
Volume: 1
Journal Issue:    1
Abstract:  Both Internet addiction and adolescent risk behaviors are worldwide public health concerns. Unfortunately, their relationship is grossly under-researched. Adopting a longitudinal research design, this study examined the longitudinal association between Internet addiction and problem behaviors among adolescents in Hong Kong and tested whether early Internet addiction predicted later adolescent problem behaviors. A total of 2,669 junior secondary school students completed three waves of questionnaires testing their Internet addiction behavior and other problem behaviors including drug use, self-harm, suicidal behaviors, delinquency behaviors, and compensated dating. Chi-square analysis showed that Internet addicted students had a high probability to display these problem behaviors at each wave. Logistic regression analyses suggest that early Internet addiction was a precursor of later problem behaviors among adolescents. The results shed light on the relationship between Internet addiction and adolescent problem behaviors, and provide reference for prevention and intervention of these problem behaviors.
Pages: 2-22
Keywords: Internet addiction, adolescent risk behaviors, comorbidity, Chinese adolescents
Authors:  Daniel Tan-lei Shek, Lu Yu, & Wenyu Chai
File: The-Relationship-Between-Internet-Addiction-and-Problem-Behaviors-Amongst-Hong-Kong-Adolescents-A-Three-Year-Longitudinal-Study
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/MQDB8910
Title:  Gambling, Problem Gambling, and Attitudes Toward Gambling in a Sample of College Students
Volume: 1
Journal Issue:  1
Abstract:  The present study explored gambling prevalence and attitudes toward gambling among college students. A sample of 274 Humber College students participated in an online survey from September 15th to December 15th, 2013. The survey included a scale to measure problem gambling as well as questions regarding attitudes toward gambling. The study found that 9.9% of college students were classified as moderate problem gamblers and 2.2% were classified as having a severe gambling problem. In terms of attitudes, 59.9 % of participants believed that gambling is morally wrong, and 69% felt that gambling does more harm than good; however, 81% believed that all types of gambling should be legal. For the harm and morality questions, problem gamblers had more negative attitudes towards gambling. The study also indicated significantly higher scores on the PGSI/CPGI for males in comparison to females. The results suggest that problem gambling is more common amongst college students than in the general adult population.
Pages: 23-42
Keywords: problem gambling, college students, morality, views on legality
Authors:  Aqeel Saeid, Slobodan Petrovski, Kathryn Shea, Jing Shi, Peter Ferentzy, Sarah Cool, & Nigel Turner
File: Gambling-Problem-Gambling-and-Attitudes-Toward-Gambling-in-a-Sample-of-College-Students
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/NMPA8329
Title: The rise of opioid overdose: Is availability of Naloxone within the community the answer we need?
Volume: 1
Journal Issue: 1
Abstract: Rates of substance use and overdose are continually on the rise within our communities. Recent events highlight the increase rate of opioid overdose in particular and reflect current trends of atwo-fold increase in such an event. Opioids are problematic as they can be prescribed legally or
gained illegally. Symptoms of opioid overdose can be reversed with the provision of naloxone.
Rising prices for naloxone may prevent organizations from carrying large quantities of it, which
is problematic given recent events. As there is no typical presentation of opioid addiction or
those with concurrent mental health issues, the influence or effect of each on the individual and
with each other should be examined in their entirety. Different types of treatment are examined,
as well as several of the strengths and limitations of each. Moving forward, blending the
strengths of each type of treatment may be required.
Pages: 43-52
Keywords: Opioid use, naloxone, treatment models
Authors: Thalia MacMillan
File: The-rise-of-opioid-overdose-Is-availability-of-Naloxone-within-the-community-the-answer-we-need
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/AURU1131
Title: Shame to Resilience: Trauma-informed Perspectives on Maternal Substance Use
Volume: 1
Journal Issue:  1
Abstract: Objective. The objective of this article is to discuss the multifaceted complexity of maternal substance use and trauma histories. Methods. Overview of the impact of opioid use in maternal age women is provided, as well as its impact on families. Two case examples are presented to highlight the major barriers these women encounter in entering treatment. Results. The use of two theories, shame-resilience (SRT) and self-determination (SDT) is also discussed as a possible framework to engage pregnant women and promote recovery and healing from trauma histories. Conclusion. Providing trauma-informed, gender-specific treatment using these theoretical frameworks has the potential for transformational growth and recovery for this multifarious population. Implications. To provide the necessary comprehensive, coordinated, and compassionate care from multiple disciplines, continued training on trauma-informed, genderspecific treatment is recommended.
Pages: 53-74
Keywords: Resilience, substance Use, opioid, maternal.
Authors: Heather Howard
File: shame-to-resilience-trauma-informed-perspectives-on-maternal-substance-use
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/VVOM5819
Title:  The Impact of Gambling on Families in Hong Kong: The Role of Family Functioning
Volume: 1
Journal Issue:  1
Abstract: Despite substantial evidence that problem gambling is associated with a wide range of family difficulties, limited effort has been devoted to studying the negative impacts on family members as a result of problem gambling, particularly in Chinese communities. It was hypothesized that significant negative relationships would be found between family member impacts and family functioning; and significant positive relationship would be found between family functioning and health and psychological wellbeing. A total of 103 family members of problem gamblers who sought help from Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Even Centre in Hong Kong were interviewed. Results showed that a majority of family members were partners or ex-partners of the gambler with low or no income. Family functioning was negatively correlated to gambling-related family impacts and psychological distress, and was positively correlated to health and psychological wellbeing. The results provide preliminary support for patterns of family functioning that could protect families from negative impacts of addictions. It is suggested that a culturally-sensitive treatment modality that focuses on enhancing family functioning will facilitate improvement in gambling related family impacts.
Pages: 75-109
Keywords: Family Functioning, Impact of Problem Gambling, Families, Chinese, Hong Kong
Authors: Elda Mei Lo Chan, Nicki A. Dowling, Alun C. Jackson, & Daniel Tan-lei Shek
File: The-Impact-of-Gambling-on-Families-in-Hong-Kong-The-Role-of-Family-Functioning
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/DNSN7337
Title:  Binge Drinking among Residential Program Youth in Israel: Toward an Understanding of Predictors for Policy and Prevention
Volume: 1
Journal Issue: 1
Abstract: Alcohol use is attributed to about 25% of the total deaths among youth and young adults. Harmful alcohol use among youth has been overshadowed by the preoccupation with widespread use of other substances including cannabis and prescription drugs. A crosssectional cohort of 1,327 residential program and high school youth were compared regarding binge drinking habits and risk factors. Data was collected from 2004 to 2016. Residential program youth binge drinking predictors were substance abuse within the last month, alcohol availability, causing harm to others (e.g., fighting, stealing and possessing a weapon), unstructured day activity, and being a passenger in a car where the driver had been drinking. Binge drinking predictors among high school were smoking within the last month and alcohol availability. Effective risk behavior prevention involves a wide range of factors including the need to control alcohol access among those under the legal drinking age. An eco-systems approach involving youth and people they are in contact with is a viable prevention approach. However, conflicting personal and economic factors regarding alcohol use, among others, are a daunting barrier to overcome.
Pages: 110-127
Keywords: Binge drinking, cannabis, prescription drugs, residential program, high school
Authors: Richard Isralowitz, Alexander Reznik, & Masood Zangeneh
File: Binge-Drinking-among-Residential-Program-Youth-in-Israel-Toward-an-Understanding-of-Predictors-for-Policy-and-Prevention
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/ELOO8187
Title: Common Myths in the Behavioral Addiction Field
Volume: 1
Journal Issue:  1
Abstract: There is no shortage of controversy and debates within the field of behavioral addiction. In this paper, five myths are outlined concerning various behavioral addictions. These are: (i) behavioral addictions can occur concurrently, (ii) addictions such as videogame addiction are associated with other comorbidities and are therefore not separate disorders, (iii) ‘addictions’ are equivalent to ‘disorders’ in DSM-5 and ICD-11 nomenclature, (iv) very excessive behaviors are addictions, and (v) socially condoned excessive activities and activities engaged in willfully cannot be classed as behavioral addictions. It is argued that views based on these myths depend upon how behavioral addictions are defined in the first place. It is concluded that any behavior which has severe and longstanding clinical impairment and comprising core components of addiction (i.e., salience, conflict, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, and relapse) should be conceptualized as a behavioral addiction.
Pages:  128-141
Keywords: Behavioral addiction, DSM-5, ICD-10, myth
Authors:  Mark D. Griffiths
File: Common-Myths-in-the-Behavioral-Addiction-Field
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/RWLX3632