Volume One- Issue Two
Volume One- Issue Two

Volume One- Issue Two

Title: Table of Contents
Volume: 1
Journal Issue:  2
File: Table of Contents
Title: Salirophilia and other co-occurring paraphilias in a middle-aged male: A case study
Volume: 1
Journal Issue: 2
Abstract: Salirophilia is a paraphilic sexual fetish in which individuals experience sexual arousal from soiling or disheveling the object of their desire. To date, there has been no academic or clinical research into salirophilia, and there are no published peer-reviewed papers – not even a single case study. Therefore, this paper presents the first case study account of a salirophile, a 58-year-old heterosexual male. The areas of interest that were examined included his background relating to childhood experiences of sex, other cooccurring paraphilic interests, and a detailed overview of his engagement in salirophilic acts. It was found that his interest in salirophilic acts dated back to his childhood, and based on the account given, the behavior is most likely explained by classical conditioning. It was also found that there were many other paraphilic behaviors that co-occurred with salirophilia, including sadism, urophilia, coprophilia, and zoophilia. The case study highlights the importance of online methods in the recruitment of individuals and the collection of data with sexually paraphilic behavior for academic study.
Pages: 1-8
Keywords: salirophile, case, classical conditioning.
Authors: Mark D. Griffiths
File: griffiths-1-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/DLJQ8466
Title: Associations between probable anxiety and mood disorder and measures of alcohol and cannabis use in young, middle-aged and older adults.
Volume: 1
Journal Issue: 2
Abstract: This study examined the associations of cannabis use, alcohol use and alcohol problems with probable anxiety and mood disorders (AMD) in young, middle-aged and older adults. Method: Data are based on the CAMH Monitor, an ongoing cross-sectional telephone survey of Ontario adults aged 18 years and older. For the purposes of the current study, a merged dataset from the years 2001 through 2009 inclusive was separated into three individual datasets: 18-34 year olds (n=4,211), 35-54 year olds (n=7,874), and 55 years of age and older (n=6,778). The survey included the 12-item version of the General Health Questionnaire, which provides a measure of probable AMD for the general population. Logistic regression analyses examined the odds of probable AMD in three age groups associated with alcohol measures (number of drinks per day and alcohol problems (AUDIT 8+)) and cannabis use, while controlling for self-reported physical health, religious service attendance, and demographic factors. Due to listwise deletion, the logistic regression models were based on reduced samples. Results: Lifetime cannabis use and past year cannabis use predicted probable AMD in young and middle-aged adults, but only lifetime cannabis use predicted probable AMD among older adults. Alcohol problems predicted probable AMD among middle aged and older adults, but not among younger adults. No consistent link between recent alcohol consumption and probable AMD was observed. Conclusion: These analyses suggest that the impact of alcohol and cannabis use and problems on probable AMD may differ across age groups.
Pages: 9-19
Keywords: cannabis, anxiety, mood disorders, Ontario, AUDIT.
Authors: Robert E. Mann, Wah Lap Cheung, Gina Stoduto, Christine M. Wickens, Anca R. Ialomiteanu, Chloe Docherty, Roxana Florica, Justin Matheson, Lily Y. Li, & André J. McDonald
File: mann-9-19
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/TKLT6639
Title:  Technology and mutual aid for problem gambling: the past and the future.
Volume: 1
Journal Issue: 2
Abstract: This paper offers a cursory account of the use of technology and online services by 12-Step peer support groups with a particular focus on support services for problem gamblers. We examine the history of peer support groups and examine the extent to which they have embraced newer technologies. Gamblers Anonymous (GA) has little direct involvement in on-line support. However, GA members operating independently of GA have provided some pioneering peer support. In this paper, we gathered information about GA’s presence online through a cursory literature review, examination of websites, and three semistructured interviews with key informants: two longstanding GA members and one non-member who is nonetheless very active in employing up to date technology to coordinate recovery options for problem gamblers. The benefits of online peer support for problem gamblers is discussed. Accessibility is one example, as some could be available 24 hours a day each day of the week. Another advantage is that many young adults and adolescents favor online options. This also applies to online gamblers. The Internet options we have uncovered are run mostly by GA members, typically without official GA sanction.
Pages: 20-30
Keywords: Gamblers Anonymous, online services, accessibility.
Authors: Peter Ferentzy, Sherald Sanchez, & Nigel E. Turner
File: turner-20-30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/USQZ5590
Title: Perseverance and addiction processes: Clues to identify exercise addicts
Volume: 1
Journal Issue: 2
Abstract: Physical activity is one of the most important resources used to promote health habits and well-being through a controlled and regular practice. Nevertheless, it is increasingly clear that in the area of sports, cases of excessive practice are becoming more prevalent, therefore normalizing the appearance of addictive behaviors. Previous studies on this topic highlight the importance of personality and the presence of different traits in identifying the appearance of this behavioral pattern. Taking into account all this information and the meaning of grit (perseverance and passion), one of the most emerging traits in the field of personality, we selected a sample of CrossFit and endurance sports practitioners (133 athletes; 34.59% women and 65.41% men) to understand the possible association between exercise addiction and grit, which could be affected by some indicators such as ambition and satisfaction in this relationship. A t-test, correlation analysis (Pearson), and linear regression (backward method) showed that the factor of Perseverance is positively correlated with addiction, and the other factor of grit, Consistency of Interest, did not present any kind of relationship. This seems to indicate that Perseverance is a trigger for addiction, while Consistency may help to self-regulate this behavior. In addition, younger athletes showed higher indicators of ambition to achieve their goals and a higher risk of exercise addiction, whereas gaining more experience with sports could facilitate the development of grit.
Pages: 31-46
Keywords: sports, exercise, CrossFit.
Authors: Gonzalez-Hernandez, J. Nogueira, A., & Lorenzo, O.
File: gonzalez-hernandez-31-46
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/FYPC9786
Title: The relationship between problem gambling and substance use among American adolescents
Volume: 1
Journal Issue: 2
Abstract: Adolescence is a developmental period marked by increased engagement in risky behaviors, including substance use and gambling. Previous research has consistently shown an increased risk of problem gambling among people with substance use disorders, however few studies have addressed the differences in problem gambling across the various substance types. Using data from the 2018 Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board/Wood County Educational Service Center Survey on Alcohol and Other Drug Use among junior high and high school adolescents in Wood County, Ohio, this study sought to understand the relationship and comorbidity levels between various substances used and problem gambling among American adolescents. Further, the current study aimed to test the effects of substance use on the likelihood of being identified as a problem gambler. Results indicated that individuals at-risk or reporting gambling problems were significantly more likely to regularly smoke marijuana, ingest painkillers, consume alcohol, and engage in binge drinking. Additionally, adolescents who regularly consumed alcohol or painkillers were twice as likely to be identified as being at-risk for a gambling problem. This study sheds light on the importance of assessing for comorbid addictive disorders in order to optimize treatment options for adolescents.
Pages: 47-56
Keywords: Gambling, risky behaviors, substance use, adolescents.
Authors: Loredana A. Marchica, Tina Giordano, William Ivoska, & Jeffrey L. Derevensky
File: derevensky-47-56
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/XRVG6724
Title: The Prevalence, Communicability and Co-Occurrence of Inverted Hallucinations: An Overlooked Global Public Health Concern
Volume: 1
Journal Issue: 2
Abstract: While scientific understanding concerning the role of biological pathogenic agents in the transmission of communicable diseases has increased markedly in recent decades, the possibility of a psychological pathogenic agent that underlies the transmission of a number of key global public health concerns has largely been overlooked. The present paper identifies inverted hallucinations as a novel category of hallucination that not only reflect a key public health concern in their own right, but also appear to play an active role in the gradual transmission of diseases traditionally deemed to be non-communicable, such as mental health problems, obesity, and social media addiction. More specifically, the present paper delineates the assumptions and indicative empirical support underlying inverted hallucination theory as well as the characteristic features, functional consequences, prevalence, communicability, and co-occurrence of inverted hallucinations in the general population. Inverted hallucinations appear to be both globally prevalent and communicable, and are estimated to affect the average person on at least an occasional basis. Inverted hallucinations cause individuals to succumb to states of mind wandering that distorts their perception of what is happening in the present moment and increases their susceptibility to other deleterious health conditions. Moreover, inverted hallucinations appear to reflect a key overlooked public health need that not only stunt human potential and quality of life but also pose a risk to the wellbeing of the population globally
Pages: 57-63
Keywords: inverted hallucinations, co-occurrence, public health.
Authors: William Van Gordon, Supakyada Sapthiang, Déborah Ducasse, & Edo Shonin
File: van-gordon-57-63
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/PFES1667
Title: Screening for comorbidity of psychiatric and substance use disorders using the Standard for Clinicians’ Interview in Psychiatry (SCIP)
Volume: 1
Journal Issue: 2
Abstract: The Standard for Clinicians’ Interview in Psychiatry (SCIP) is a clinician-administered valid and reliable semi-structured diagnostic interview for adult psychiatric disorders. The SCIP Screening Module includes 30 questions and covers 18 adult psychiatric disorders: generalized anxiety, panic, agoraphobia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive, posttraumatic, major depressive, dysthymic, bipolar, schizoaffective, schizophrenia, attention deficit/hyperactivity, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating, alcohol use, drug use, and somatic symptom disorders. The SCIP Screening Module has been used in clinical assessments, was found to have high sensitivity as a screening tool in a primary-care population, and has the potential to be useful in screening for mental disorders in a general population.
Keywords: SCIP, diagnostic interview, psychiatric disorders.
Authors: Ahmed Aboraya
File: aboraya-64-68
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/JMGO2749