Title: The Scream of Silence Keywords: Authors: Mahmood Nafisi File: SP07_FINAL DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/BLWS2282
Title: EDITORIAL: Grief in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring New Approaches from Diverse Perspectives Keywords: […]
Title: EDITORIAL: Grief in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring New Approaches from Diverse Perspectives Keywords: […]
Title: The Association Between Social Skills, Grief and Resilience among Palestinian University Students Throughout the Coronavirus (COVID-19) […]
Title: Communication, Grief and Life Style Under Covid-19 within the Iranian Context Keywords: COVID-19, Lifestyle, Culture, Grief, […]
Title: Social Distancing and Client Engagement: the challenges of COVID-19 for frontline workers Keywords: social distance, engagement, […]
Title: A Reflection on Racial Injustice and (Black) Anticipatory Grief Compounded by COVID-19 Keywords: Anticipatory Grief, COVID-19, […]
Title: The Scream of Silence Keywords: Authors: Mahmood Nafisi
Title: Demystifying Discourses of Death, Burial and Grief in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic Keywords: Grief, Covid-19, […]
Title: Mourning the Loss of Subjective Temporal Continuity Personal Reflection Keywords: Grief, Covid- 19, loss Authors: Margrit […]