Fear of COVID-19 and Mental Health Outcomes among Psychosocial Service Providers in Palestine: The Mediating Role of Well-Being
Fear of COVID-19 and Mental Health Outcomes among Psychosocial Service Providers in Palestine: The Mediating Role of Well-Being

Fear of COVID-19 and Mental Health Outcomes among Psychosocial Service Providers in Palestine: The Mediating Role of Well-Being

Title: Fear of COVID-19 and Mental Health Outcomes among Psychosocial Service Providers in Palestine: The Mediating Role of Well-Being
Keywords: COVID-19; Fear of Disease; Palestine; Mental Health Outcomes; Well-being
Authors: Fayez Azez Mahamid & Dana Bdier
File: NK08_FINAL
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54127/CTYO9044