The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Problem Behaviors Amongst Hong Kong Adolescents: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study
The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Problem Behaviors Amongst Hong Kong Adolescents: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study

The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Problem Behaviors Amongst Hong Kong Adolescents: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study

Title: The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Problem Behaviors Amongst Hong Kong Adolescents: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study
Keywords: Internet addiction, adolescent risk behaviors, comorbidity, Chinese adolescents
Authors: Daniel Tan-lei Shek, Lu Yu, & Wenyu Chai
File: The-Relationship-Between-Internet-Addiction-and-Problem-Behaviors-Amongst-Hong-Kong-Adolescents-A-Three-Year-Longitudinal-Study