“Where do I park my DeLorean? A Workshop to Establish an Informed and Dignified Work Experience for New Part-Time and Partial-Load Faculty”
“Where do I park my DeLorean? A Workshop to Establish an Informed and Dignified Work Experience for New Part-Time and Partial-Load Faculty”

“Where do I park my DeLorean? A Workshop to Establish an Informed and Dignified Work Experience for New Part-Time and Partial-Load Faculty”

Title: “Where do I park my DeLorean? A Workshop to Establish an Informed and Dignified Work Experience for New Part-Time and Partial-Load Faculty”
Keywords: Onboarding Practices, Contract Faculty, College, Support
Authors: Alyson R. Renaldo, Maria Lucia Di Placito
File: Renaldo & Di Placito