Title: Guest Editorial
Author: Rachel A. Volberg
File: Guest-editorial
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.10

Service Profile

Title: Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre
Author: Editorial Team
File: Amethyst-Womens-Addiction-Centre
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.13


Title: The interactive effects of avoidance coping and dysphoric mood on problem gambling for female and male gamblers
Issue: 8
Authors: Anna Thomas & Susan Moore
A study involving 83 female and 72 male gamblers tested the direct and interactional effects of avoidance coping and five dysphoric moods on problem gambling via regression analysis. Important differences were found between female and male gamblers. For female gamblers, loneliness, boredom, anxiety, depression and avoidance coping were all positively related to problem gambling. Additionally, interactions between these mood states and avoidance coping significantly predicted problem gambling; female gamblers with high dysphoria and high avoidance coping showed substantially more symptoms of problem gambling than those scoring high on only one variable. In contrast, loneliness and stress were the only significant predictors of problem gambling for males — neither avoidance coping nor any of the interactional relationships between mood and coping predicted problem gambling. These results support previous qualitative studies and suggest that female problem gamblers gamble as an escape from dysphoric moods. Even though male problem gamblers expressed more negative affect than male non-problem gamblers, there was no evidence to suggest that negative mood was a precursor rather than an outcome of gambling behaviour.
File: Anna-Thomas-Susan-Moore
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.16

Case Study

Title: Counselling Mary about her gambling problems: A self-reliant person
Author: Editorial Team
File: Counselling-Mary
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.1


Title: Problem-solving skills in male and female problem gamblers
Issue: 8
Authors: Diane Borsoi & Tony Toneatto
The current study was designed to compare the self-reported problem-solving skills of male and female gamblers. In total, 148 females and 112 males (mean age = 43.6 years, SD = 12.0), responding to an advertisement for people concerned about their gambling, completed the Problem Solving Inventory (Heppner, 1988). The PSI consists of three factors related to self-perception of problem-solving: confidence, personal control and approach-avoidance style. Gamblers were categorized into three subgroups according to their DSM-IV scores: Asymptomatic, Problem, and Pathological. Results from a series of analyses of co-variance (co- varying for the confounding effects of current emotional distress) revealed that gender had no significant effect, but problem severity on appraisal of problem- solving confidence and sense of personal control had a significant effect. Pathological gamblers were less confident and felt less in control than the other subgroups while engaging in problem-solving activities. Problem gamblers tended to have more negative appraisals of control than Asymptomatic gamblers. Problem-solving skills were also a significant predictor of DSM-IV scores for pathological gambling (i.e., negative appraisals were associated with higher DSM- IV scores). The results suggest that problem-solving skills are deficient in pathological gamblers and problem gamblers, but are not related to gender.
File: Diane-Borsoi-Tony-Toneatto
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.14
Title: Gender differences in psychiatric comorbidity and treatment-seeking among gamblers in treatment
Issue: 8
Authors: James R. Westphal & Lera Joyce Johnson
Objectives: To assess the effects of gender on comorbid problems and treatment- seeking among gamblers in treatment and the effects of comorbid problems on participants’ gambling
Method: Participants completed a survey on comorbid problems and the effects of comorbid problems on their gambling
Sample: Seventy-eight adults (40 males, 38 females) enrolled in state-supported outpatient programs or Gamblers Anonymous
Results: The majority of participants (53%) had multiple comorbid problems and 38.5% said they had a comorbid problem related to their gambling. Eleven different types of comorbid problems were reported. Females had significantly more comorbid problems than males; females reported problem drinking and both genders reported that depression increased the severity of their gambling problems.
Conclusion: Patterns of comorbid problems and treatment-seeking are consistent with well-known gender differences in health behaviors. Clinicians involved in gambling treatment may wish to assess for depressive syndromes and problem drinking and investigate their interaction with their patient’s gambling.
File: James-R.-Westphal-Lera-Joyce-Johnson
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.17
Title: Has there been a “feminization” of gambling and problem gambling in the United States?
Issue: 8
Author: Rachel A. Volberg
Abstract: This paper examines the question of whether there has been a “feminization” of gambling and problem gambling in the United States. Feminization refers to the idea that more women are gambling, developing problems and seeking help for problems related to gambling than in the past. Data from a theoretically derived sample of four states are examined to identify patterns in the distribution of gambling participation and the prevalence of problem gambling in the general population. Despite widespread acceptance of the notion of the feminization of gambling and problem gambling, men remain significantly more likely than women to participate regularly in most types of gambling. Most gambling activities remain highly gendered; however, in the United States, the widespread introduction of gaming machines is associated with increases in gambling and problem gambling among women. The present analysis highlights the importance of taking socio- demographic characteristics besides gender into account when considering the distribution of gambling and problem gambling in the general population.
File: Rachel-A.-Volberg
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.7


Title: The changing participation of women in gambling in New Zealand
Author: Editorial Team
File: Editorial-Team-Opinion
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.12

First Person

Title: Reflections on problem gambling therapy with female clients
Author: Editorial Team
File: Editorial-Team-REFLECTIONS
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.8


Title: Fruit machine addiction in an adolescent female: A case study
Author: Mark Griffiths
File: Mark-Griffiths
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.6

Case study conference — Summary and Reference

Title: Response to clinicians’ comments on Introduction: Counselling Mary about her gambling problems
Author: Neasa Martin
File: Neasa-Martin
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.3
Title: A feminist slant on counselling the female gambler: Key issues and tasks
Author: Roberta Boughton
File: Roberta-Boughton
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.5


Title: Net-working the steps: Web-based support for women in recovery from problem gambling
Author: Virginia M. McGowan
File: Virginia-M.-McGowan
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2003.8.18