Negative Emotional States, Satisfaction with Life, and Romantic Relationships in Young Adult Gamers and non-Gamers: An Exploratory Study
Negative Emotional States, Satisfaction with Life, and Romantic Relationships in Young Adult Gamers and non-Gamers: An Exploratory Study

Negative Emotional States, Satisfaction with Life, and Romantic Relationships in Young Adult Gamers and non-Gamers: An Exploratory Study

Title: Negative Emotional States, Satisfaction with Life, and Romantic Relationships in Young Adult Gamers and nonGamers: An Exploratory Study
Keywords: Gaming, Satisfaction with Life, Negative Emotional States, Romantic Relationships, Young Adult
Authors: Jason Landon, Daniel Shepherd, Sonja Goedeke & Muyuan Li
File: Jason-Landon-et-al_MS_AUG_2020_26_FINAL_SEP30