Title: Fear of COVID-19 and Mental Health Outcomes among Psychosocial Service Providers in Palestine: The Mediating Role […]
Title: Covid-19 and the New Normal of Mental Health Challenges for Nurses at the Frontline Keywords: Covid-19, […]
Title: Use of Anxiolytics by Health Professionals Facing The COVID-19 Pandemic Scenario Keywords: COVID-19; Anxiolytics; Health care […]
Title: Experience of Working at a “COVID Facility” Keywords: Covid_19, Canada, facility, PPE, observation Authors: Irfan Aslam […]
Title: What Is the Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Workers? Keywords: frontline social workers, […]
Title: A Psychiatrist’s Experience at a COVID-19 Centre and Teaching Hospital During This Pandemic Keywords: Covid-19, Mental […]
Title: Social Distancing and Client Engagement: The Challenges of COVID-19 For Frontline Workers Keywords: social distance, engagement, […]
Title: Canadian Clinicians Adopting Virtual Health Care during COVID-19 Pandemic: Salute to Our Fast Learners Keywords: COVID-19, […]
Title: Frontline Health Care Workers’ Mental Health and Wellbeing: Need for An Upstream Whole Community Approach Keywords: […]
Title: Table of Contents Volume: 3 Issue: 1 File: Masthead Title: Frontline Health Care Workers’ Mental Health […]