Title: ‘That’s No Country for ‘Young’ Men’’: A Critical Perspective on Responsible Online Gambling Policies for Gambling […]
Title: Early Detection of Gambling Among At-Risk Adolescents. Validation of EDGAR-A Scale Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues […]
Title: Understanding sports betting among young male student-teachers in Ghana Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Ernest […]
Title: Gambling Prevention Mobile Applications: Understanding the Inclusion and Use of Behaviour Change Techniques Journal: Journal of […]
Title: Elevated Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Severe Gambling Disorder: A Pilot Study in U.S. Veterans […]
Title: An Exploratory Study of the Relationship Between Financial Well-Being and Changes in Reported Gambling Behaviour During […]
Title: Gambling behaviours and treatment uptake among vulnerable populations during COVID-19 crisis Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues […]
Title: Corporate Digital Responsibility Challenges for Sports Betting Companies Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Peter Jones […]
Title: Safer by design: Building a collaborative, integrated and evidence-based framework to inform the regulation and mitigation […]