Title: Making Meaning and Finding Purpose: What Research into Post Traumatic Growth Can Teach Us as Educators […]
Title: Bimodal Class Delivery and Women’s Success in Academia Keywords: Bimodal Class Delivery, Virtual Learning, Flexible Learning, […]
Title: Taking a Restorative Approach toward Academic Integrity for L2 Writers Keywords: Academic Integrity, Canadian Post-secondary Institutions, […]
Title: Indigenizing the English Classroom Keywords: Indigenous Ways of Being/Knowing/Doing, Indigenization, Classroom, Communication. Author: David D. Miller […]
Title: Is Connectivism Viable? Keywords: Connectivism, Learning Theory, Epistemology, Educational, Technology Author: Adam Langridge File: Langridge
Title: “Where do I park my DeLorean? A Workshop to Establish an Informed and Dignified Work Experience […]
Title: Conference Proceedings of Back to Our Future: Rethinking College-Level Education in the “New Normal” Keywords Conference, […]
Title: Masthead File: Masthead_V2_2023 Title: Conference Proceedings of Back to Our Future: Rethinking College-Level Education in the […]
Title: The two gambling closures during the CoViD-19 pandemic in Italy: the impact on affected family members […]
Title: The Role of Female Rape Myth Acceptance, Homophobia Towards Gay Men, Age and Gender as Predictors […]