Title: The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS): A rebuttal to critics Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: […]
Title: Comments on “Between consumption and investment…” Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Eugene Christiansen File: Eugene-Christiansen […]
Title: A Response to Comments Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Bartlomiej Dzik File: Bartlomiej-Dzik DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2006.17.5
Title: Between consumption and investment: A new approach to the study of the motivation to gamble Journal: […]
Title: Comments on “Between consumption and investment…” Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Alex Blaszczynski File: Alex-Blaszczynski […]
Title: Two for the Money (2005) Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Nigel E. Turner File: Two-for-the-Money […]
Title: Gambling in the Nineteenth-Century English Novel: “A Leprosy is o’er the Land” Journal: Journal of Gambling […]
Title: Editorial Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Editorial Team File: Editorial DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2006.17.13
Title: Faro: A 19th-century gambling craze Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Nigel E. Turner, Mark Howard, […]
Title: Characteristics of people seeking treatment for problem gambling in Ontario: Trends from 1998 to 2002 Journal: […]