Title: Lottery ticket and instant win ticket gambling: exploring the distinctions Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: […]
Title: Social service providers’ perspectives on casino gambling in older adult clients Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues […]
Title: Delay and probability discounting in the context of gambling function and expectancies Journal: Journal of Gambling […]
Title: From problem gambling to crime? Findings from the Finnish National Police Information System Journal: Journal of […]
Title: Development and validation of the gambling problems scale Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Brooke J. […]
Title: Les comportements violents: comparaison des couples selon que l’homme est perc¸u ou non par sa conjointe […]
Title: The Gambler: Then and Now Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Nigel Turner File: Nigel-TurnerDownload DOI: […]
Title: Comings and Goings at the JG Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Sherry Stewart File: Sherry-H.-Stewart-1Download […]
Title: Applying the codependency concept to concerned significant others of problem gamblers: Words of caution Journal: Journal […]
Title: Response to the commentaries by Lee, Harkness, and Orford Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Kimberly […]