The Social Construction of the Pathological Gambler’s Identity and Its Relationship With Social Adaptation: Narratives From Members of Italian Gambling Anonymous and Gam-AnonFamily Groups
The Social Construction of the Pathological Gambler’s Identity and Its Relationship With Social Adaptation: Narratives From Members of Italian Gambling Anonymous and Gam-Anon
Family Groups

The Social Construction of the Pathological Gambler’s Identity and Its Relationship With Social Adaptation: Narratives From Members of Italian Gambling Anonymous and Gam-Anon
Family Groups

Title: The Social Construction of the Pathological Gambler’s Identity and Its Relationship With Social Adaptation: Narratives From Members of Italian Gambling Anonymous and Gam-Anon
Family Groups
Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues
Authors: Claudia Venuleo & Tiziana Marinaci
File: Claudia-Venuleo-Tiziana-MarinaciDownload
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2017.36.7