The Role of Female Rape Myth Acceptance, Homophobia Towards Gay Men, Age and Gender as Predictors of Male Rape Myth Acceptance
The Role of Female Rape Myth Acceptance, Homophobia Towards Gay Men, Age and Gender as Predictors of Male Rape Myth Acceptance

The Role of Female Rape Myth Acceptance, Homophobia Towards Gay Men, Age and Gender as Predictors of Male Rape Myth Acceptance

Title: The Role of Female Rape Myth Acceptance, Homophobia Towards Gay Men, Age and Gender as Predictors of Male Rape Myth Acceptance
Journal: Journal of Concurrent Disorders
Keywords: Rape Myths, Male Rape Myths, Female Rape Myths, Homophobia Towards Gay Men.
Authors: Georgia A. McIntyre & Sophia Tkazky
File: McIntrye & Tkazky
DOI: 10.54127/GUGQ5238