Mattering, Stress, and Burnout in Feelings of Distress, Defeat, and Entrapment Among Chinese High School Students
Mattering, Stress, and Burnout in Feelings of Distress, Defeat, and Entrapment Among Chinese High School Students

Mattering, Stress, and Burnout in Feelings of Distress, Defeat, and Entrapment Among Chinese High School Students

Title: Mattering, Stress, and Burnout in Feelings of Distress, Defeat, and Entrapment Among Chinese High School Students
Journal: Journal of Concurrent Disorders
Author: Gordon L. Flett, Chang Su, Taryn Nepon, Edward D. Sturman, Liang Ma, & Lianrong R. Guo
Keywords: Adolescents, Burnout, Defeat, Depression, Loss of Face, Mattering, Stress.
File: Flett et al.
DOI: 10.54127/CNKA2584