Are Some Subtypes of Video Gamer More at Risk for Gambling Issues? A Latent Class Analysis of a Canadian Sample of University Students
Are Some Subtypes of Video Gamer More at Risk for Gambling Issues? A Latent Class Analysis of a Canadian Sample of University Students

Are Some Subtypes of Video Gamer More at Risk for Gambling Issues? A Latent Class Analysis of a Canadian Sample of University Students

Title: Are Some Subtypes of Video Gamer More at Risk for Gambling Issues? A Latent Class Analysis of a Canadian Sample of University Students
Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues
Authors: Jeffery Biegun, Jason D. Edgerton, & Matthew T. Keough
File: Jeffery-Biegun-Jason-D-Edgerton-Matthew-T-KeoughDownload
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2021.46.11