Promoting Cross-Sector Collaboration and Input into Care Planning Via an Integrated Problem Gambling and Mental Health Service
Promoting Cross-Sector Collaboration and Input into Care Planning Via an Integrated Problem Gambling and Mental Health Service

Promoting Cross-Sector Collaboration and Input into Care Planning Via an Integrated Problem Gambling and Mental Health Service

Title: Promoting Cross-Sector Collaboration and Input into Care Planning Via an Integrated Problem Gambling and Mental Health Service
Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues
Authors: Laura E. McCartney, Vicky Northe, Susannah Gordon, Evan Symons, Robert Shields, Anthony Kennedy, & Stuart J. Lee
File: Laura-E-McCartney-Vicky-Northe-Susannah-Gordon-Evan-Symons-Robert-Shields-Anthony-Kennedy-Stuart-J-LeeDownload
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2019.42.7