Influence of Social Interaction on Women College Students’ Electronic Gambling Machine Behaviour
Influence of Social Interaction on Women College Students’ Electronic Gambling Machine Behaviour

Influence of Social Interaction on Women College Students’ Electronic Gambling Machine Behaviour

Title: Influence of Social Interaction on Women College Students’ Electronic Gambling Machine Behaviour
Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues
Authors: Rory A. Pfund, Meredith K. Ginley, James P. Whelan, Samuel C. Peter, Briana S. Wynn, Matthew T. Suda, & Andrew W. Meyers
File: Rory-A.-Pfund-Meredith-K.-Ginley-James-P.-Whelan-Samuel-C.-Peter-Briana-S.-Wynn-Matthew-T.-Suda-Andrew-W.-MeyersDownload
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2018.38.12