The mediating effect of depression between superstitious beliefs and problem gambling: a cross-cultural study of Chinese and Caucasians residing in the United States
The mediating effect of depression between superstitious beliefs and problem gambling: a cross-cultural study of Chinese and Caucasians residing in the United States

The mediating effect of depression between superstitious beliefs and problem gambling: a cross-cultural study of Chinese and Caucasians residing in the United States

Title: The mediating effect of depression between superstitious beliefs and problem gambling: a cross-cultural study of Chinese and Caucasians residing in the United States
Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues
Authors: Jungsun Kim, Mikael Ahlgren, & Bo Bernhard
File: Jungsun-Kim-Mikael-Ahlgren-Bo-BernhardDownload
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2014.29.10