The role of aggression in the association of cyberbullying victimization with cyberbullying perpetration and problematic social media use among adolescents
The role of aggression in the association of cyberbullying victimization with cyberbullying perpetration and problematic social media use among adolescents

The role of aggression in the association of cyberbullying victimization with cyberbullying perpetration and problematic social media use among adolescents

Title: The role of aggression in the association of cyberbullying victimization with cyberbullying perpetration and problematic social media use among adolescents
Journal: Journal of Concurrent Disorders
Keywords: Cyberbullying Victimization, Cyberbullying Perpetration, Internet Addiction, Problematic Social Media Use, Aggression
Authors: Zaheer Hussain, Kagan Kircaburun, Mustafa Savcı, &, Mark D. Griffiths
File: Hussain et al.
DOI: 10.54127/AOJW5819