Mindfulness and Impulsive Urgency are Related but Not Interacting Predictors of Disordered Gambling
Mindfulness and Impulsive Urgency are Related but Not Interacting Predictors of Disordered Gambling

Mindfulness and Impulsive Urgency are Related but Not Interacting Predictors of Disordered Gambling

Title: Mindfulness and Impulsive Urgency are Related but Not Interacting Predictors of Disordered Gambling
Keywords: Mindfulness, Impulsivity, Negative Urgency, Positive Urgency, Disordered Gambling, Moderation
Authors: Camilla Potoczny, Peter Richard Gill, Keis Ohtsuka & Jessica Scarfo
File: Potoczny et al.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4309/PYDQ5415