Chapter title: Changes in gambling counselling over the past 25 years (interviews)

Author: Jason Landon, Ph.D.

Affiliation: Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Author: Simone Rodda, Ph.D.

Affiliation: University of Auckland, New Zealand

Author Biographies:

Jason Landon. My Ph.D. was in behavioural psychology with Professors Michael Davison and Douglas Elliffe at The University of Auckland and I was fortunate that my work was recognized for its quality by the American Psychological Association. I then undertook Post-Doctoral work at the Liggins Institute of The University of Auckland with Professor Bernhard Breier studying the effects of early-life nutrition on learning and development. That work was cut short by an occupational illness, and I moved to a policy and research role with the New Zealand Ministry of Health developing the Ministry’s initial problem gambling research strategy. I then spent a year at MIT primarily working on Maori and Pasifika student retention and success, prior to joining Auckland University of Technology (AUT). In my time at AUT I have served the University in several capacities – as Psychology Programme Leader, on Faculty and Conjoint Boards of Studies, Faculty Committees, and now as Head of the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. I am a member of AUT’s Gambling and Addictions Research Centre and have served in editorial roles with several international journals. My research interests are broad, spanning a range of applied and experimental areas of psychology and public health. I collaborate on research projects with colleagues within AUT, at The University of Auckland, and internationally at The University of Lincoln (United Kingdom).