Journal of Gambling Issues- Issue 24
Journal of Gambling Issues- Issue 24

Journal of Gambling Issues- Issue 24

Title: Welcoming Sherry Stewart as the Journal of Gambling Issues’ Editor-in-chief
Issue: 23
Author: Editorial Team
File: Editorial-Team-Download
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.1
Title: Journal of Gambling Issues: The First Decade and Onward
Issue: 23
Authors: Sherry Stewart
File: Sherry-Stewart-Download
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.2

Book Review

Title: Midbrain Mutiny: The Picoeconomics and Neuroeconomics of Disordered Gambling
Issue: 23
Author: Ari Kalechstein
File: Ari-Kalechstein-1-1Download
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.14
Title: Out of the Shadows: Exploring the Many Facets of Gambling and their Implications to Society
Issue: 23
Author: Joanna Franklin
File: Joanna-Franklin-1-2Download
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.11
Title: Cowboys Full: The Story of Poker
Issue: 23
Author: Leslie R. Herbert
File: Leslie-R.-Herbert-Download
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.13
Title: Crossing the line: When gamblers turn to crime
Issue: 23
Author: Nigel Turner
File: Nigel-Turner
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.12

Title: Implicit measures of attitudes toward gambling: An exploratory study
Issue: 23
Authors: Sunghwan Yiaff & Vinay Kanetkar
File: Sunghwan-Yi-Vinay-Kanetkar-Download
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.9
Title: Time and money spent gambling and the relationship with quality-of-life measures: A national study of New Zealanders
Issue: 23
Authors: En-Yi Judy Lin, Sally Casswell, Brian Easton, Taisia Huckle, Lanuola Asiasiga, & Ru Quan You
File: Lin et al.
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.4
Title: Experienced poker players differ from inexperienced poker players in estimation bias and decision bias
Issue: 23
Authors: Jakob Linnet, Line Gebauer, Howard Shaffer, Kim Mouridsen, & Arne Møller
File: Linnet et al.
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.6
Title: Bingo playing and problem gambling: A review of our current knowledge
Issue: 23
Authors: Jean-Claude Moubaracaff, N. Will Shead, & Jeffrey L. Derevensky
File: Moubarac et al.
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.10
Title: Online crime and internet gambling
Issue: 23
Authors: John L. McMullan, Aunshul Rege, Online crime and internet gambling
File: John-L.-McMullan-Aunshul-Rege-Download
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.5
Title: A Qualitative Perspective on Physical, Social and Cognitive Accessibility to Gambling
Issue: 23
Authors: Nerilee Hingaff & Sharen Nisbetaff
File: Nerilee-Hing-Sharen-Nisbet-Download
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.7
Title: The attractions and risks of Internet gambling for women: A qualitative study
Issue: 23
Authors: Roslyn Corney & Janette Davis
File: Roslyn-Corney-Janette-Davis-Download
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.8
Title: The association of at-risk, problem, and pathological gambling with substance use, depression, and arrest history
Issue: 23
Authors: Sandra L. Momper, Jorge Delva, Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, Ninive Sanchez, & Rachel A. Volberg
File: Momper et al.
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2010.24.3