Journal of Gambling Issues- Issue Five
Journal of Gambling Issues- Issue Five

Journal of Gambling Issues- Issue Five

Title: Issue Five, October 2021
Authors: Editorial Team
File: Editorial-1
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2001.5.4
Title: October 24 Was the Day I Took the Drastic Step
Authors: Editorial Team
File: Editorial-Team-First
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2001.5.2

Service Profile

Title: GamCare Helpline and Counselling Service
Issue: 5
Authors: Adrian Scarfe
File: Adrian-Scarfe
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2001.5.7

Brief Research Report

Title: Internet Gambling Among Ontario Adults
Issue: 5
Authors: Anca Ialomiteanu & Edward M. Adlaf, PhD
Abstract: The increased popularity of the Internet among the general population is of particular relevance to the area of Internet gambling. This paper describes the prevalence of Internet gambling among Ontario adults. Data are based on a random telephone survey of 1,294 Ontario adults. Overall, 5.3% of the Ontario adults interviewed in 2000 reported having gambled on the Internet during the past 12 months. Although women were more likely to gamble on-line than males (6.3% vs. 4.3%), the difference was not statistically significant. Only marital status was significantly related to Internet gambling. Those previously married (divorced, widowed) were significantly more likely to report on-line gambling compared to those who were married (10.9% vs. 4.9%). There were no dominant age, regional, educational or income differences.
File: Anca-Ialomiteanu-Edward-M.-Adlaf
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2001.5.9
Title: Internet Gambling: Preliminary Results of the First U.K. Prevalence Study
Issue: 5
Author: Mark Griffiths
Abstract: Technology has always played a role in the development of gambling practices, and new technologies such as Internet gambling may provide many people with their first exposure to the world of gambling. Further to this, Internet gambling could be argued to be more psychologically enticing than previous non- technological incarnations of gambling because of anonymity, accessibility and interactivity. This paper reports on the results of the first U.K. study of Internet gambling; 2098 people were interviewed for their behaviour and attitudes. Results indicated that only 1% of Internet users (n=495) had ever gambled on the Internet and that there was no evidence of problematic gambling behaviour associated with the Internet.
File: Mark-Griffith
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2001.5.8


Title: Why Don’t Adolescent Problem Gamblers Seek Treatment?
Issue: 5
Author: Mark Griffiths
Abstract: Surveys have consistently shown that the prevalence rates for problematic gambling are higher in adolescents than for adults. Given this finding, why is it that so few adolescents, compared to adults, enrol in treatment programs? This paper outlines ten speculative reasons why this situation exists.
File: Mark-Griffiths-Opinion
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2001.5.6


Title: The Biopsychosocial Approach to Gambling: Contextual Factors in Research and Clinical Interventions
Issue: 5
Authors: Mark Griffiths & Paul Delfabbro
This paper argues that adherence to a single, specialised theory of gambling is largely untenable. It highlights limitations of existing theories of gambling at three increasingly specific levels of analysis; namely, the social, psychological and biological.
An overview of each level of analysis (social, psychological and biological) is provided by critically evaluating the contemporary literature on gambling. This is followed by discussions of the limitations and interdependence of each theoretical approach and the implications for research and clinical interventions.
While several recent critiques of gambling research have provided considerable insight into the methodological limitations of many gambling studies, another problem is seldom acknowledged — the inadequacy and insular nature of many research paradigms. It is argued that gambling is a multifaceted behaviour, strongly influenced by contextual factors that cannot be encompassed by any single theoretical perspective. Such contextual factors include variations in gambling involvement and motivation across different demographic groups, the structural characteristics of activities and the developmental or temporal nature of gambling behaviour.
This paper suggests that research and clinical interventions are best served by a biopsychosocial approach that incorporates the best strands of contemporary psychology, biology and sociology.
File: Mark-Griffiths-Paul-Delfabbro
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2001.5.1


Title: The Effect of Skilled Gamblers on the Success of Less Skilled Gamblers
Issue: 5
Author: Nigel E. Turner & Barry Fritz
Abstract: This paper uses computer simulations to examine the effect of highly skilled gamblers on the success of moderately skilled gamblers. It shows that skilled players negatively impact the outcome for less skilled players. A player’s winnings are not only affected by the house rake or vigorish but also by the skill of other players. It is concluded that less skilled players are often better off playing a game of chance than a game of skill.
It is our contention that professionals in the field of gambling studies can gain a great deal of insight into problem gambling by closely examining the games gamblers play. The purpose of this article is to examine some differences between games that involve some skill and those that involve only chance in order to help treatment and prevention workers understand the dynamics of these games. For example, understanding the nature of the game and its effects on the individual gambler can help a therapist understand a client’s motives and beliefs, which may facilitate a more individualized, client-centered approach to the treatment.
File: Nigel-E.-Turner-Barry-Fritz
DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2001.5.10