Title: Masthead File: Masthead_V4I3_2022 Title: Decolonizing Time in Post-Secondary Classrooms Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Abstract: N/A. Pages: […]
Title: Volume 50 Masthead File: Masthead_V50 Title: Same Journal New Platform Authors: Nigel Turner Pages: 1-2 File: […]
Title: Testing the Bifactor Model of the Financially Focused Self-Concept Scale Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Keywords: […]
Title: Same Journal New Platform Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Keywords: Authors: Nigel E. Turner File:  Editorial_V51 […]
Title: Pets’ impact on people`s well-being in COVID-19: A quantitative study Keywords: Well-being, Pets, Coronavirus Anxiety, Social […]
Title: Online representations of anxiety amongst adolescent users on Reddit: a qualitative Internet-mediated study protocol Keywords: Anxiety; […]
Title: An Investigation of Exercise Behaviour Patterns Amongst Varsity Athletes Keywords: Exercise Addiction, Exercise Dependence, Compulsive Exercise, […]
Title: Understanding sports betting among young male student-teachers in Ghana Issue: 49 Authors: Ernest Yeboah Acheampong, Emmanuel […]
Title: An Exploratory Study in Gambling Recovery Communities: A Comparison Between ‘‘Pure’’ and Substance-Abusing Gamblers Issue: 48 […]
Title: Attitude-Support Relationship in Gambling: A Modified Theory of Planned Behaviour Issue: 47 Authors: Albino Roshan Thomson […]