Title: A feminist slant on counselling the female gambler: Key issues and tasks Journal: Journal of Gambling […]
Title: Response to clinicians’ comments on Introduction: Counselling Mary about her gambling problems Journal: Journal of Gambling […]
Title: Fruit machine addiction in an adolescent female: A case study Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: […]
Title: Reflections on problem gambling therapy with female clients Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Editorial Team […]
Title: The changing participation of women in gambling in New Zealand Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: […]
Title: Has there been a “feminization” of gambling and problem gambling in the United States? Journal: Journal […]
Title: Gender differences in psychiatric comorbidity and treatment-seeking among gamblers in treatment Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues […]
Title: Problem-solving skills in male and female problem gamblers Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Diane Borsoi […]
Title: Counselling Mary about her gambling problems: A self-reliant person Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Editorial […]
Title: The interactive effects of avoidance coping and dysphoric mood on problem gambling for female and male […]