Title: The Gambling and Other Impulse Control Disorders Outpatient Unit in São Paulo, Brazil: Integrating treatment and […]
Title: Dreamland (2000): Personal gambling stories add depth to academic approach Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: […]
Title: The Cooler (2003): Film perpetuates faulty thinking about gambling Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Thomas […]
Title: Owning Mahowny (2003): A gambler without emotion Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Jeffrey I. Kassinove […]
Title: Owning Mahowny (2003): Fiction no match for the reality of gambling Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues […]
Title: A brochure on Internet risk awareness and prevention Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Bill Ursel […]
Title: New name, new Advisory Board, new ethics guidelines Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Editorial Team […]
Title: Gambling as activity: Subcultural life-worlds, personal intrigues and persistent involvements Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: […]
Title: A festschrift in honor of Henry R. Lesieur Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Rena M. […]
Title: Fifteen years of problem gambling prevalence research: What do we know? Where do we go? Journal: […]