Title: Helplines for problem gambling worldwide: What do they do and whom do they reach? Journal: Journal […]
Title: Attitude towards pets and depression among residents in Klang Valley, Malaysia: Moderating effect of pet ownership […]
Title: The 50-most cited articles on ‘fear of missing out’ (FOMO): A citation analysis Journal: Journal of […]
Title: Unavoidable Stressful Client Situations: Sources of Social Support on Clinical Psychologists’ and Counsellors’ Psychological Well-Being Journal: […]
Title: Counselling for Problem Gambling: Person-Centred Dialogues Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Timothy W. Font File: […]
Title: Recall of electronic gaming machine signs: A static versus a dynamic mode of presentation Journal: Journal […]
Title: Selling dreams—causing nightmares? Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Per Binde File: Binde DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2007.20.5
Title: Gambling and religion: Histories of concord and conflict Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Per Binde […]
Title: Images of gambling in film Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Nigel E. Turner, Barry Fritz, […]
Title: Interactive television quizzes as gambling: A cause for concern? Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Mark […]