Title: Mahjong and Problem Gambling in Sydney: An Exploratory Study with Chinese Australians Journal: Journal of Gambling […]
Title: Approaching problem gambling with a discursive sensibility Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Tom Strong File: […]
Title: Continuing Professional Development for General Practitioners in the United Kingdom Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: […]
Title: A typological study of gambling and substance use among adolescent students Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues […]
Title: Risky business: Gambling problems amongst gaming venue employees in Queensland, Australia Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues […]
Title: Socially responsible and accountable gambling in the public interest Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Garry […]
Title: The addictiveness of online brokerage services: A first person account Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: […]
Title: JGI now accepting French submissions – JGI accepte maintenant les soumissions en français Journal: Journal of […]
Title: The association of at-risk, problem, and pathological gambling with substance use, depression, and arrest history Journal: […]
Title: The attractions and risks of Internet gambling for women: A qualitative study Journal: Journal of Gambling […]