Title: The Effect of Mere Presence on Electronic Gaming Machine Gambling Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: […]
Title: A French adaptation of the Gambling-Related Cognitions Scale (GRCS): a useful tool for assessment of irrational […]
Title: Évaluation d’un site Web de sensibilisation sur le jeu excessif s’adressant aux jeunes adultes Journal: Journal […]
Title: Shame-prone gamblers and their coping with gambling loss Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Sunghwan Yi […]
Title: Morals, medicine, metaphors, and the history of the disease model of problem gambling Journal: Journal of […]
Title: Internet Poker: Examining Motivations, Behaviors, Outcomes, and Player Traits using Structural Equations Analysis Journal: Journal of […]
Title: La méthodologie au service de l’avancement des connaissances en matière de jeux de hasard et d’argent […]
Title: Le défi de la recherche en milieu naturel/ The Challenge of Conducting Research in the Field […]
Title: The Real of problem gambling households Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Anita Borch File: Anita-Borch-Download […]
Title: Gambling motives and symptoms of problem gambling in frequent slots players Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues […]