Title: Debate Series: Gambling in jails and prisons: abstinence or management? Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: […]
Title: Commentary on Williams (2013): Officially sanctioned gambling in prisons: commentary from a federal prison judge Journal: […]
Title: Gambling behind bars: does prison provide ideal conditions? Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Valerie Beauregard […]
Title: Online Poker Gambling Among University Students: Risky Endeavour or Harmless Pastime? Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues […]
Title: Physical accessibility of gaming opportunity and its relationship to gaming involvement and problem gambling: A systematic […]
Title: The feasibility of providing gambling-related self-help information to college students who screen for disordered gambling via […]
Title: Trust in Internet gambling and its association with problem gambling in university students Journal: Journal of […]
Title: How gaming venue staff use behavioural indicators to assess problem gambling in patrons Journal: Journal of […]
Title: Stereotypes of problem gambling Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Jenny Horch & David Hodgins File: […]
Title: The prevalence of problem gambling among substance abusing offenders Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: Jennifer […]