Title: A response to Calderwood and Rajesparam’s ideas on codependence Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Jim […]
Title: Commentary on ‘‘Applying the codependency concept to concerned significant others of problem gamblers: Words of caution’’ […]
Title: Where Codependency Takes Us: A Commentary Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Author: Bonnie K. Lee File: […]
Title: Comparing the attitudes of recreational gamblers from Finland and France toward national gambling policies: A qualitative […]
Title: The influence of background music tempo and genre on virtual roulette Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues […]
Title: Youth gambling as risky business: An examination of risk perception and perception of skill and luck […]
Title: Trends in Gambling Behavior among College StudentAthletes: A Comparison of 2004 and 2008 NCAA Survey Data […]
Title: Gaming machine density is correlated with rates of help-seeking for problem gambling: a local area analysis […]
Title: Is ‘‘pop-up’’ messaging in online slot machine gambling effective as a responsible gambling strategy? Issue: 29 […]
Title: The mediating effect of depression between superstitious beliefs and problem gambling: a cross-cultural study of Chinese […]