Title: The Modified Gambling Motivation Scale: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Links With Problem Gambling Journal: Journal of […]
Title: Exploring the Effects of Introducing a State Monopoly Operator to an Unregulated Online Gambling Market Journal: […]
Title: Psychometric Properties of the Swedish Version of the Reasons for Gambling Questionnaire (RGQ) Journal: Journal of […]
Title: Can We Expect More Students Dropping out of Education to Play Poker or Has Online Poker […]
Title: The Influence of Locus of Control and Sensation Seeking Among Undergraduate Texas Hold’em Players Journal: Journal […]
Title: Gambling Habits of People With Parkinson’s Disease: An Exploratory Study Journal: Journal of Gambling Issues Authors: […]
Title: A coordinated health communication campaign addressing casino and sports gambling among undergraduate students Journal: Journal of […]
Title: Closing a Treatment Gap in Ontario: Pilot of a Tutorial Workbook for Women Gamblers Journal: Journal […]
Title: Evaluation of a School-Based Gambling Prevention Program for Adolescents: Efficacy of Using the Theory of Planned […]
Title: What is the harm? Applying a public health methodology to measure the impact of gambling problems […]